OFSS Bihar Merit List 2024 :- Bihar School Examination Board will release the merit list for admission in Intermediate, i.e. 11th class, in the academic session 2024- 2026 for the students of all the colleges and schools of Bihar through the Online Facilitation System For Students (OFSS). The merit list will be released through PDF. The first merit list, i.e., selection list or information letter and cutoff 2024, will be released on the official website.
Candidates can check their merit list from the official website of OFSS Bihar. They can also enroll by visiting their allotted school or college. You will find all this information on ofssbihar.org. By logging in with their mobile number and password, candidates can download their marriage list, i.e., the selection letter. For more information about this, check the following article.
Bihar Intermediate Admission 2024-26 :-
Bihar Intermediate will accept the online admission application form for Inter (11th) admission for the academic session 2024-26. Students who passed Matric (Class 10th) Board or any similar class will apply online for 11th Admission 2024.
Bihar 11th Admission Application 2024
बिहार इंटर ऐडमिशन शुरू हो चुका है। जो भी उम्मीदवार कक्षा दसवीं पास कर चुके हैं वह इंटर में एडमिशन के लिए आवेदन कर सकते हैं। इंटर एडमिशन आवेदन करने का लिंक नीचे दिया गया है। इसके बारे में और भी जानकारी के लिए आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाएं आधिकारिक वेबसाइट का डायरेक्ट लिंक नीचे देखने को मिल जाएगा।

OFSS Bihar Intimation Letter 2024 :-
In Bihar, 3 lists of candidates who have applied for admission in Intermediate (11th) are released. As per requirement, the first selection list and the second and third selection lists are published later. If you have yet to find a college or school on the first selection list, then Slide Up, choose a new college, and submit. After that, the school will be available for enrollment on the second selection list. The merit list will be available on the website, and an information letter will be issued to the selected applicants for their academic placement. The information letter will be available on mobile, or you can download or print it by visiting the website. In this information bar, you will see the name of the school/college concerned. Check further for more information about this.
After the release of the chain list, i.e., merit list for enrollment, candidates can download the intimation letter from the online facilitation system (OFSS) Bihar website, www.ofssbihar.org. Your college will be visible only on the intimation letter. You can take admission by going to the college given on the intimation letter. The selection list will be received on your mobile or mail through SMS and will be visible on the official website, www.ofssbhihar.org. For more information, check the article below.
OFSS Bihar 11th Admission Selection Process :-
The selection list of the candidates is released after the applicant submits the online application through the website or mobile application of OFSS, the online facility system for enrollment in Intermediate, i.e., 11th for all the students of Bihar. You will get to see the selection list three or four times. Enrollment for 11th in school or college is taken on the basis of the points given below.
- There are faculty-wise number of seats for enrollment in the 11th class in Bihar 10+2 School/College.
- The permission for allotment, i.e., admission, is given only through the cut-off in the institute/faculty or school/college filled by the students in the online application made on the Online Facilitation System For Students (OFSS), i.e., the OFSS portal.
- The score percentage of class 10th students is also considered for admission in Intermediate.
- The effective provisions of the State Government regarding reservation for Intermediate enrollment matters.
- In schools or colleges where 10th is taught along with 12th, students who want to study in 12th after passing 10th will get an option. That student can take priority for admission in their semester school. If they do not get a choice over their parent school or college in the priority list for enrolment, they will be selected for enrollment in the parent school.
Important Dates
Events | Dates |
Official Notification | 11.04.2024 |
1st Application Form Starts | 11.04.2024 |
Last Date | 31.05.2024 |
1st Merit List | 07.06.2024 |
Admission Starts | june 2024 |
Required Documents
Do get admission students needs to arrange below mention documents that important for the Bihar Board Intermediate Admission 2021. All the documents need to scan clearly before uploading on the OFSS Inter Admission portal. Bihar Inter Admission 2024.
- Provisional Certificate / Original Certificate of 10th or equivalent examination.
- Mark sheet of 10th or equivalent examination.
- School Leaving Certificate (SLC) of the school from where they have passed the 10th examination.
- Character certificate of the institution from where they have passed the 10th examination.
- Migration certificate (if any) from where they have passed the 10th examination.
- Fixed fee of an educational institution.
- Passport size color photograph.
Steps to Check OFSS Bihar Inter (11th) Admission Meri List 2024 ?
- To check this merit list, you have to first go to its official website.
- After going there you will get a link to check this list.
- On which you have to click.
- After clicking on it a new page will open in front of you.
- Where you will get to see the merit list.
- Through the merit list,
Important Link :-
1st Merit List | Link Active Soon |
Merit List | Notice |
Bihar 11th Admission | Online Form |
Student Login | Click Here To Login |
Notification | Download |
Collage list | Click Here |
Official Website | www.ofssbihar.org |
How to Apply Online | Click Hare |
Telegram Join Link | Click Hare |
visit the official website www.ofssbihar.org
May 2024