Indian Air Force AFCAT 01/2025 Batch Result, Released Now How to Check

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Indian Air Force AFCAT 01/2025 Batch Result :- Indian Air Force has released the result of AFCAT 01/2025 batch. All the candidates who have applied in this recruitment and went to take the exam will be able to check their result through the link given below. This is a very good news for all the candidates. All of you can download your result.

Indian Air Force AFCAT 01/2025 Batch Result :-

OrganizationIndian Air Force
Type of EmploymentGovt Jobs.
Total Vacancies336 Posts
LocationAll India
Post NameGround Duty (Non-Technical) & Ground Duty (Technical) & Flying Branch
Official Website
Applying ModeOnline
Result Released Date17.03.2025
Indian Air Force AFCAT 01/2025 Batch Result

Air Force Application Fee :-

CategoryRs. /-
NCC Special EntryNill

Air Force Age Limit :-

(i) Flying Branch through AFCAT and NCC Special Entry: 20 to 24 years
(ii) Ground Duty (Technical & Non-Technical) Branch: 20 to 26 Years

Air Force Physical Standards :

Candidates are advised to be physically fit when you report for SSB in order to be able to undergo various tests at AFSB. You should aim to achieve an ability to run 01 mile (1.6 kms) in 10 minutes, 10 push ups and 3 chin ups.

Air Force Selection Process :-

Candidates whose applications are found correct in all respects will be called for the Written Exam And  Physical Standards Tests (PST) and Physical Efficiency Tests (PET) Written Exam. And Final Merit List 

Air Force Written Test :-

Note: Candidates will not be permitted to enter the exam centre, under any circumstance, after the pre-exam verification process has comenced at 08:00 hrs for shift-I and 12:30 hrs for shift-II.

Syllabus. The subjects, the time allowed and the maximum marks allotted to each subject will be as follows:-

  • The Online examination will consist of objective type questions and will be in English only for both AFCAT and EKT.
  •  Marking Scheme is as follows,
  •  Three marks will be awarded for every correct answer.
  • One mark will be deducted for every incorrect answer.
  • No marks for unattempted questions.
ExamSubjectDurationNo. of QuestionsMax Marks
AFCATGeneral Awareness, Verbal
Ability in English, Numerical
Ability and Reasoning and
Military Aptitude Test
02 Hours100300
EKT [For
with one of
the choices
as (Technical)
Mechanical, Computer
Science and Electrical &
45 Minutes50150

Standard and Syllabus of the Examination

(i) Syllabus.
(aa) English. Comprehension, Error Detection, Sentence Completion/ Filling in of correct word, Synonyms, Antonyms and Testing of Vocabulary, Idioms and Phrases.
(ab) General Awareness. History, Geography, Civics, Politics, Current Affairs, Environment, Basic Science, Defence, Art, Culture, Sports, etc.
(ac) Numerical Ability. Decimal Fraction, Time and Work, Average, Profit & Loss, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion and Simple Interest, Time & Distance (Trains/Boats & Streams).
(ad) Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test.Verbal Skills and Spatial Ability.

(ii) Standard. The standard of Numerical Ability Questions will be of Matriculation level. The standard of questions in other subjects will be of graduation level (Indian University).

How to Check Air Force Result 2025.?

  • Find the advertisement “ Recruitment Advertisement No. ”, click on the advertisement.
  • Notification will open read it and check Eligibility,
  • To apply enter you details correctly and make the payment.
  • Finally click submit button and take the print of the application form.
ResultCheck Here
Short NoticeDownload Here
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FAQs :-

Educational Qualification :

Flying Branch. Candidates should have mandatorily passed with a minimum of 50% marks each in Maths and Physics at 10+2 level and
(a) Graduation with minimum three years degree course in any discipline from a recognized University with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent,

Age Limit

(i) Flying Branch through AFCAT and NCC Special Entry: 20 to 24 years
(ii) Ground Duty (Technical & Non-Technical) Branch: 20 to 26 Years

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